Start as at lamppost R4 opposite the entrance to Eglinton Park. Proceed to roundabout and take first exit to join A78 South bound, take first exit (Warrix interchange) and join A71 (sign posted Kilmarnock) and proceed eastbound to turn at second roundabout (Moorfield interchange). Turn and retrace to second roundabout (Warrix interchange) and take first exit to join A78 southbound (sign posted Ayr). Proceed south through Dundonald camp (Papermill) roundabout to take first exit sign posted Troon, turn right at bottom of slip road and proceed under A78 to t-junction and turn left. At top of hill turn left Sign posted (A78 Greenock) and rejoin A78 northbound, proceed north through Dundonald camp roundabout to (Eglinton interchange). The finish is the same as the 10 course - on slip road leading to the Eglinton interchange.