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Bedfordshire Road CC Results

Results for members of Bedfordshire Road CC
First Name Last Name Date Event Course Pos Result
D Knott 15/08/04 Hitchin Nomads MM 25 N/A 1:11:36 Claim
M Bannister 18/07/04 Verulam CC 25 N/A 00:56:54 Claim
D Knott 18/07/04 Verulam CC 25 DNS Claim
Debbie Knott 04/07/04 ECCA 100 N/A 5:36:42 Claim
Lyndon Lewis 04/07/04 ECCA 100 DNS Claim
Michael Bannister 27/06/04 Team Sanjan Design 25 N/A 00:58:22 Claim
Bob Wright 27/06/04 Team Sanjan Design 25 N/A 1:07:17 Claim
David Sullivan 05/06/04 Sotonia CC MM 10 N/A 00:27:47 Claim
Alan Crane 16/05/04 Luton Whs 25 N/A 1:00:19
Kevin Worsley 16/05/04 Luton Whs 25 N/A 1:02:15 Claim
Debbie Knott 16/05/04 Luton Whs 25 N/A 1:11:46 Claim
Terry Sykes 16/05/04 Luton Whs 25 N/A 1:24:30 Claim
Mark Cook 26/10/03 2003 National Championship Hill Climb N/A 00:00:00 Claim
Lyndon Lewis 14/09/02 BTTC - Masters C (40-44) N/A 00:59:36 Claim