James Taylor

Senior , (Berkhamsted Cycling Club )

CTT Number: 20675

Member since: 02 Sep 17


Upcoming Events




Personal Bests


Date Event Machine Course Distance Club Position Machine Position Result Speed
20-07-2019 RTTC National 24 hour Championship (Mersey Roads) (Entries close 27/6/19) TT Bike D24HR 24 hour DNF DNF
27-05-2019 Lovelo Racing TT Bike F1/50B 50 Miles 18 18 2:00:13 24.955 Mph
18-05-2019 Hitchin Nomads CC (London North Millennium 7 of 8) TT Bike F14/25 25 Miles 15 15 00:58:16 25.744 Mph
27-04-2019 London Phoenix CC (SPOCO SE)(London North Millennium 5 of 8)(entries close 19/04/19) TT Bike F7/10 9.2 Miles 14 14 00:22:47 24.228 Mph
07-04-2019 Icknield RC (London North Millennium 3 of 8)Cheques payable to Icknield RC) TT Bike F12/30K 30 Km 10 10 00:48:20 23.141 Mph
31-03-2019 Watford Velo Sport (Whitleaf Hardriders) TT Bike HCC212 21 Miles 6 6 00:59:44 21.094 Mph
24-03-2019 Hemel Hempstead CC (London North Millennium 2 of 8)(90 riders) TT Bike F11/22 22 Miles 11 11 00:55:25 23.82 Mph
16-09-2018 Westerley Cycling Club TT Bike H25/2 25 Miles 15 15 00:55:00 27.273 Mph
15-09-2018 Northampton & Dist CA (150 riders)(Pref to N&DCA clubs) TT Bike F15/10 10 Miles 11 11 00:22:58 26.125 Mph
15-09-2018 Lovelo Racing Road Bike FHC/1 - BISON HILL hill climb 45 45 03:08.6 0 Mph
21-07-2018 Islington CC (Women have priority for 50% of places) TT Bike F15/10 10 Miles DNS DNS
19-05-2018 Hitchin Nomads CC (London North Millennium 7 of 8) TT Bike F14/25 25 Miles 40 40 1:04:08 23.389 Mph
05-05-2018 London Phoenix CC (SPOCO SE)(London North Millennium 5 of 8) TT Bike F7/10 0 Miles 10 10 00:22:42 24.317 Mph
21-04-2018 Bossard Wheelers CC (Charity Event) TT Bike F15/10 10 Miles 24 24 00:22:45 26.374 Mph
08-04-2018 icknield rc (london north millennium 4 of 8) TT Bike F12/30K 0 Km 6 6 00:50:50 22.003 Mph
01-04-2018 Watford Velo Sport (Whitleaf Hardriders) TT Bike HCC212 18.8 Miles 7 7 1:02:43 17.986 Mph
25-03-2018 hemel hempstead cc (london north millennium 2 of 8) TT Bike F11/22 21.5 Miles 20 20 00:58:02 22.229 Mph
01-10-2017 berkhamsted cc (entries close 24/09/17) TT Bike F11Z/10 10 Miles 7 7 00:24:37 24.374 Mph
17-09-2017 lovelo cinelli rt Road Bike FHC/1 - BISON HILL hill climb 18 18 03:10.0 0 Mph